virgin pina colada

A Piña Colada has become a popular cocktail that is consumed throughout the year. From the cold winter months to the height of summer, our Virgin Piña Colada recipe is a great non-alcoholic alternative to the classic. Whether you’re participating in Dry January or looking for a family-friendly substitute, mocktails are a great beverage for every occasion.


The name of this famous cocktail translates from Spanish as ‘strained pineapple’. It was first created in Puerto Rico during the 1950s and later became the national drink in 1978! Traditional recipes contain rum, coconut cream and pineapple juice which are blended or shaken with ice.

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Enjoy this tropical treat all year round with these creamy, invigorating and non-alcoholic Virgin Piña Coladas. We’ll transport you to the sunny Puerto Rican beaches with every sip, including no flying and passports!

pina colada glass


  • 3/4 cup of pineapple juice (ideally freshly strained)
  • 1 cup cream of coconut
  • 2 cups of ice
  • Fresh pineapple wedges (optional)
  • Maraschino cherries (optional)


  1. Stir cream of coconut to ensure fat and liquids are combined. Once thoroughly mixed, add pineapple juice and stir.
  2. Add ice to a blender and run until drink is at desired consistency. (We prefer a slushier consistency – 3 to 4 minutes).
  3. Pour into two tumblers and garnish with fresh pineapple wedges and maraschino cherries.

Don’t have a blender? No problem! Simply place ice into a sandwich or resealable bag and hit with a rolling pin.

Enjoy this simple three ingredient drink and imagine being surrounded by sand and the sea, sipping peacefully in sunny Puerto Rico.